Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Little Red

Introducing a Christmas addition to our family. We are trying to get into the holiday spirit here in the desert! To help with that my sweet and best friend Melissa sent us a little elf to adopt. The kids decided to call him Little Red. Little Red got his magic once we officially adopted him and gave him a name. He watches the kiddos all day and the fly's back to the North Pole at night to report back to Santa, the kids are amazed by his magic. He then comes back in the morning and likes to play hide and seek and shows up in some unusual spots doing some good and some not so good things. The kids wake up every morning and wonder where Little Red might be, he's been a great addition to the family. The kids cannot touch him or he will lose his magic which the kids have been very good about doing. Here are the things he has been up to since he has been here. He is still trying to get use to the desert weather and having no snow, just like us we have to create new ways of holiday spirit!

Introducing Little Red and his story.

He is waiting for his first trip to the North Pole, he was a little shocked about the desert weather!

I think he was trying to give us a little snow, he got into the marshmallows that Grandma brought!

We put the Christmas tree up this night and the kids watched Rudolph, so he decided he wanted to have his own movie night when he returned.

He decided to play some cars and have a few races.

The kids forgot to the Advent calendar so he wanted to remind them it was time to move the tree!

Little Red needed some ideas so when he was at the North Pole he spoke to his friend elf Sneaky and he was kind of enough to share a few ideas with him! This was one of them!!

He decided he was going to let us know that he knew Madison arrived!

He got into a little trouble here, another idea from his friend Sneaky! The kids were tickled that he made this mess!

He decided to color a snowy picture for us since we are missing the snow for our 2nd year!

Stay tuned for more Little Red updates, it's still a few weeks away until Christmas!

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